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Purple Wheat Flour

Purple Wheat Flour

Purple wheat is a hybrid of ancient abyssinian (Triticum aethiopicum) wheat and kavilca (Triticum dicoccum) wheat.

The purpose of crossbreeding purple wheat is to develop the healthiest, genetically preserved wheat variety.

The production areas and consumption amount of purple wheat are increasing rapidly around the world, although it is still very new.

Consumption area is generally used in flour and bakery products, purple wheat is mixed with other flour groups and used to increase flour and bread quality and healthy nutritional values.

- Purple wheat has the lowest glycemic index in the world.

- Compared to conventional wheat, it has 13 times more antioxidant values. Contains antioxidants equal to blueberries.

- Contains flavonoids, carotenoids and anthocyanins that help prevent many chronic diseases such as diabetes, cancer and heart diseases. That's why some scientists named this wheat AnthoGrain.

- It contains 3 times more vitamin E, 2 times more zinc, iron magnesium and potassium compared to other wheats.

It is a grain of health.

  • Low Glycemic Index (G.I): 46
  • High Antioxidant: 339 TEAC / 100 gr
  • Low Fat: 3.0 gr / 100 gr
  • Trans fat: 0%
  • High Fiber: 8.4 g/100 g
  • Very rich source of vitamin and minerals.

Purple Wheat Flour with digestible gluten structure can be used as a healthy alternative in all kinds of breads, cakes, cakes, cookies, pies and all pastries.